Week 1- Project Management

Over the past week, I have started working on the html and css for my website. I’m completely new to coding, so I started by going through lynda and codeacademy resources.

Here is a link to the sitemap I will be using to create my website-


Project Management:

The first step that I took was to organise tasks for the week. My aim was to finish the basic structure and stlying for the first page (home page) of my website.

I spent 1-2 hours everyday learning how to code, and another 2 hours daily experimenting with everything i learned and trying to create the home page.

I worked on the html and css for the content on the home page, as well as the navbar, footer and greycontainer which will be applied to the subsequent pages.

Progress and Experience:

I have finished the html structure and css for the web page, but had a few issues which I hope to get solved in class this week.

I had a little difficulty with aligning certain items (search) on my nav bar but eventually figured it out. I still have to make the navbar stay fixed on top of the page while scrolling. I also created the form which enables people to subscribe to a newsletter.

I had alignment issues with this form, since I didn’t wish to use all twelve skeleton framework columns. Skeleton seems to be arbitrarily aligning my form to the left, while I want it to be centered.

I also cannot seem to get the background image to appear behind the form.

navbar and form.jpg

As you can see in the above image, the form is aligned to the left, and the background image is not visible.

On scrolling down, you come to the next div in which I am once more unable to move the images to the center of the page.

trip location brief.jpg

At the bottom of the page is the footer.
